Medical Product Quality Reports by IDDO

Please do visit on a regular basis the IDDO site for information and to download their medical product quality reports. These reports are a great source of information. In the last issue, for example, they identified over 469 relevant articles that reported on incidents related to COVID-19 medical products. The articles covered more than 534 ...

Access to Covid-19 vaccines

Learning session: European citizens’ initiative for global access to Covid-19 vaccines. A Zoom session co-organised by Be-Cause health. Please see attached document to participate or follow this link:

Access to medicines: EPHA

The European Public Health Alliance organises a series of online discussions on key access to medicines (A2M) priorities bringing together thought leaders and policy-makers, academics, industry representatives and NGOs, for a frank discussion of European pharmaceutical policies. The next one is on the 8th of December. The topic is: “Will the EU be a wise ...

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