New course on Pharmaceutical policies in health systems

The Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) in Belgium will organize in June 2021 its first short course in “Pharmaceutical policies in health systems”. The aim of this 3-week course is to enable participants to develop a general understanding of the individual components of pharmaceutical systems, and of the whole system they constitute together; and a practical understanding of those ...

UNHCR pharmacy position

Over the past few years we have had a great collaboration with UNHCR doing local market assessments and audits in a number of countries. We were just informed by them that they are looking for a new Pharmacy Management Officer to be based in Geneva, Switzerland. Please have a look and distribute in your network ...

Sub-standard and falsified medicines in Latin America

Another interesting article was just published on sub-standard and falsified medicines in Latin America: Substandard, falsified and unregistered medicines in Latin America, 2017-2018. It can be downloaded following this link: It is open access from the PAHO journal. Rev Panam Salud Publica 44, 2020 The abstract: Objective. To assess all the incidents of substandard, ...

National Regulatory Systems in SADC

WHO AFRO Regional Office report on their rapid assessment of the the national regulatory systems in the Southern African Development Community in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice. It can be downloaded from the JPPP site (open access) by clicking on the title of the article: “A rapid assessment of the National Regulatory Systems ...

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