Webinar: Financing Universal Health Coverage in the face of instability

Share invitation for the webinar: Financing Universal Health Coverage in the face of instability.Date: February 10, 2022, as part of the Health Systems Global Webinar Series. To register: https://who.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_eGH6qS68RpSOE512IeHp8A Find more information here: https://mailchi.mp/30368ca8230c/governance-in-support-of-common-goods-for-health-webinar-nov-14123530 Many countries face instability that affects the ability of the state to perform its functions and provide basic services to its ...

Quamed: Mozambique MQAS

On Friday the 28th of January, Dr. George Mugi M. finalised the last of 4 MQAS audits in Mozambique. The ‘Model Quality Assurance System’ audits include Good Storage and Distribution Practices and an emphasis on the way the suppliers prequalify their sources. The draft reports will be shared with the 4 suppliers within 30 days after the ...

Nouveau membre de l’organisation : CAAMENIHU

Nous sommes très heureux d’annoncer que nous avons reçu une demande d’adhésion de CAAMENIHU. CAAMENIHU est un grossiste pharmaceutique privé à but non lucratif en RDC. Il a été fondé en juillet 2006 grâce à un partenariat entre la société civile, les églises et Malteser International. Ils continuent de réussir à offrir des médicaments et ...

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Quamed: Iraq LMA & GSDP Visits

Our auditor Anthony Bourasseau has finalised 2 MQAS audits on 2 CAPA follow-up visits in Turkey. This week he is in Iraq starting a Local Market Assessment with 8 GSDP technical visits. He will be in Baghdad, Erbil and Duhok. The country office of INTERSOS (www.intersos.org) is doing a great job coordinating this LMA locally. ...

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Quamed: MQAS

We are starting the new year off with MQAS audits. Our quality compliance coordinator and leading MQAS auditor, Mr Anthony Bourasseau, is now in Turkey to conduct 2 MQAS audits and for CAPA follow-up visits with 2 pharmaceutical suppliers that were audited some time ago. Following these visits, he will travel to Iraq for a ...

Rafaella’s Literature Update

Dear Friends, Regulatory agencies are responsible for collecting and evaluating spontaneous reports of suspected problems related to medications, including those from substandard medicines (SM). As the first mailing of 2022, I am sharing the attached article (Fedalto et al. Reports of substandard medicines: a lexicographic analysis of the Brazilian Health Surveillance Report System. Rev Ciênc ...

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Quamed: JOB Alert

Dear Subscribers, QUAMED (www.quamed.org) is a not-for-profit organisation specialising in various aspects of pharmaceutical quality assurance. We conduct pharmaceutical assessments and audits, we develop and facilitate training courses around pharmaceutical quality, auditing and inspection and we organise and provide technical assistance in the field of pharmaceutical quality assurance. We have started two projects that have ...

ITM: Apply for Pharmaceutical Policies in Health Systems

Pharmaceutical public health is an emerging field in global health -and global health needs a generation of policy-makers who understand the relevance of coherent and integrated pharmaceutical systems. Pharmaceutical systems are essential to provide equitable, affordable access to appropriately used essential medical products. Unfortunately, they face major challenges in many countries, like the lack of ...

Medical Product Alert N°8/2021: Falsified Combiart

This WHO Medical Product Alert refers to one batch of falsified Combiart (combination of artemether and lumefantrine) that was identified in Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, and Mali and reported to WHO in November 2021. The falsified product was reported at the patient level outside authorized and regulated supply chains of the above-mentioned countries.Genuine Combiart is indicated ...

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Quamed: End of the Year Post

Dear members and partners, We would like to thank you for the wonderful opportunities that you have offered us in 2021. Despite the ongoing pandemic, you have been instrumental in helping us recover from a year with almost no activities (2020) and have made 2021, the most successful year yet for QUAMED We would like ...

Would you like more information about audits or get a quote? Do not hesitate to contact us via the contact form.