Medical Product Quality Reports by IDDO

Please do visit on a regular basis the IDDO site for information and to download their medical product quality reports. These reports are a great source of information. In the last issue, for example, they identified over 469 relevant articles that reported on incidents related to COVID-19 medical products. The articles covered more than 534 ...


Be-cause Health & QUAMED literature updates Ref The selection and use of essential in vitro diagnostics: report of the third meeting of the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on In Vitro Diagnostics, 2020 (including the third WHO model list of essential in vitro diagnostics). Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1031). ...

Webinar QUAMED services

We would like to thank our members for their participation. A total of 42 of our members and some prospective membres participated in our French (Monday the 25th of January 2021) and English (Tuesday, the 26th) webinars on our technical services. Sandrine Cloëz and Laurine Lavergne presented in some detail the technical visits and audits ...

Advocates for International Development

Our application to become a Development Partner of A4ID has been accepted. A4ID is a global charity, that offers opportunities for law firms and companies internationally to make a contribution in meeting the needs of the world’s poorest citizens. They do so by facilitating between law firms, NGOs and others that are in need of ...

University of Utrecht Winter Meeting

On Wednesday we were happy to present our research on #quality in #pharmaceutical #supply in times of #COVID19, at the Virtual Meeting of #Utrecht Centre for Pharmaceutical Policy Regulation, together with #AnthonyBourasseau, RRavinetto, @ITMantwerp, @MedairInt. The meeting honoured us by awarding us for the best presentation. This encourages us to further develop our operational research ...

Access to Covid-19 vaccines

Learning session: European citizens’ initiative for global access to Covid-19 vaccines. A Zoom session co-organised by Be-Cause health. Please see attached document to participate or follow this link:

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