Wrapping Up GSDP Audits in Eastern DRC: A Collaborative Endeavor

This week, our auditor Jean-Christophe Pelissier is wrapping up the last of three GSDP audits in Eastern DRC. He inspected the CDRs CAMESKI in Bukavu, CADIMEBU in Bunia, and CAAMENIHU in Aru. His reports will be available in the QUAMED database by the end of September. In the picture, he is conducting the audit in ...

Missionpharma’s 2023 Sustainability Report: Advancing Global Goals

Missionpharma, one of the newest QUAMED members, has released its 2023 sustainability report. It presents their Environmental, Social, and Governance priorities and progress in line with the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles for human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption supported by the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The report is available on their website.

Quamed’s 2023 Annual Meeting Success and Adoption of 2022 Financial Report

We want to express our gratitude for Quamed’s members’ participation in our 2023 annual meeting. With 57 participants, we easily achieved the required quorum and passed all motions unanimously. We’re pleased to inform you that the membership has adopted the 2022 annual activity and financial report. You can find the report on our website.  Thank you ...

Join: In-Person Workshop in Amman for Health Commodity Supply Chain Management!

Join the In-Person Workshop in Amman! JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. is accepting applications for a health commodity supply chain management workshop. Enhance your skills in improving pharmaceutical and medical management in humanitarian and disaster settings. Date: October 16-21, 2023 Location: Amman, Jordan Target Group: BHA implementing partner mid-level staff with health supply chain ...

Enhancing Access to NCD Medicines and Supplies: Join the Virtual Panel Discussion

Join the virtual panel on increasing access to NCD medicines and supplies! Date: June 13, 2023Time: 3:00 p.m. EDT Featuring regional advisors in Cancer, Cardiovascular Diseases, Diabetes, and Transplants, this panel will discuss the latest developments and how countries can leverage PAHO’s tools for better access to quality NCD medicines. Register here English, Spanish, and ...

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