Yemen: GSDP Technical Visits

After a trip of almost 2 weeks, our expert Jason Bower will travel home from Aden, Yemen this weekend. Jason conducted GSDP technical visits with 9 pharmaceutical wholesalers. The selection of the suppliers was done by Relief International and QUAMED using, among other information, a pre-visit questionnaire that had been filled out by the suppliers ...

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Venezuela: GSDP Technical Visits

Our expert, the pharmacist Maria Moya, has returned from a visit to Venezuela. She conducted 11 GSDP technical visits of 11 suppliers located in 5 different municipalities. The assessments were done on the behalf of (and funded by): MDM Spain, International Rescue Committee, Save the Children International, Première Urgence International, Action Contre la Faim Spain ...

QUAMED 2022 In Numbers

Quamed would like to thank its members, partners, friends and followers for the ample support we received this year. This updated summary of our activities shows what that support has enabled us to do in 2022.

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QUAMED joins the Global Health Supplies discussion on Nov 28th 2022

The QUAMED director Ed Vreeke participates in the Joint UNICEF, UNFPA and WHO meeting with manufacturers and suppliers in Copenhagen ( 28 November-01 December 2022). The title of the meeting is Global Health Supplies: Paradigm Shifts in Market Authorization, Procurement and Supply Chains Approach. We are represented to learn more about the quality assurance systems of suppliers and the QA needs of procurers ...

Call for abstracts: BE-CAUSE organizes sessions on “Breaking Taboos In Global Health

Be-Cause health has organised a call for abstracts and organised sessions: Breaking Taboos in Global Health. When: 23/03 24/03/2023 CET There are many challenges that still hinder access to equitable health, among which colonisation, discrimination and racism, unequal access to essential health services and quality medicines, and many more. Be-cause health, a platform of stakeholders ...

William Wekwete

Welcoming William Wekwete as a Quamed New Technical Committee Member

We are thrilled to welcome William Wekwete as a member of our Technical Committee. He will reinforce the regulatory expertise within the Technical Committee. Dr. Wekwete is currently a member of the Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs Association of Zimbabwe (PRAAZ) and a member of the Southern African Academy of Pharmacy (SAAP). He holds a BVSc degree from the University of Zimbabwe ...

Eric Karikari-Boateng

Latest member of Quamed’s Technical Commitee: Eric Karikari

We are happy to welcome Eric Karikari as a member of our technical committee. Eric Karikari is a senior reviewer of non-clinical and clinical data supporting the Marketing Authorization Applications and Clinical Trial Authorization at the Food and Drugs Authority in Ghana. He’s a pharmacist by training with a Master’s Degree in Pharmacy(Pharmacology and Toxicology) and has ...

Chantal Uwamahoro

Quamed welcomes Chantal Uwamahoro

QUAMED is very thrilled to welcome Chantal Uwamahoro Kayitesi. Chantal is joining QUAMED as the responsible manager for the USAID-funded online learning platform. She is a public health medical doctor with 15 years of experience designing, implementing and coordinating health system strengthening programs in the international development context. Chantal is passionate about health workforce development ...

Raffaella’s Literature Update

Ref. Review of product information for selected antiretroviral medicines circulating in five African countries. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2022. Licence: Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO. Dear Friends, This is a heavy document, but it conveys some findings and messages that are important for those who work around pharmaceutical systems at different levels, from procurement and supply to regulation, ...

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Quamed: Audits and Technical Visits in Pakistan

One of our validated GMP auditors has arrived in Pakistan to conduct 2 GMP audits and 2 GSDP technical visits. The audits and technical visits have been requested by Action Contre la Faim France and Save the Children International. Meanwhile, our technical coordinator and another one of our validated GMP auditors, have started their preparations to conduct 3 GMP ...

Would you like more information about audits or get a quote? Do not hesitate to contact us via the contact form.