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Quamed: GSDP Audits

QUAMED activities: After having concluded two successful MQAS audits in Malawi earlier this month, our auditor Mr George Mugi, has started the first of four GSDP audits of laboratory supplies wholesalers in Mozambique on Monday the 22nd of November. He will be in Maputo for almost two weeks.

Quamed logo Quality Medicine for all

European Pro-Bono Week

QUAMED has benefitted from pro-bono support from different law firms in Paris and Brussels since early this year. For our transfer from France to Belgium this is very useful but also to ensure that our contracts and agreements are according to France and Belgium law. A Pro-Bono event is taking place on the afternoon of ...

Rafaella’s Literature Update

Access to antivenoms in the developing world: a multidisciplinary analysis Dear Friends,   Even if the majority of us is probably not involved in procurement or management of antivenoms, I think the attached paper remains of great interest, for raising awareness of a very neglected access problem. It examines some of the most relevant barriers to access ...

The Olle Hansson Award

The Olle Hansson Award Application deadline was extended to Jan 31, 2022. This Award recognizes the work of an individual from a developing country who best demonstrates the qualities of Dr Olle Hansson in the following: 1. Promoting the concepts of essential medicines and their rational use, and access to vaccines2. Increasing the awareness among ...

WHO Regulatory Systems

The WHO Regulatory Systems Strengthening team has made the “Implementing quality management systems in national regulatory authorities: examples and practices” document available in different languages including French, Russian and Spanish.  French: https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/348379/9789240034105-fre.pdf    Russian: https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/341942/9789240034143-rus.pdf Spanish: https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/348380/9789240034129-spa.pdf The English version is also available here:  https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/341942/9789240022379-eng.pdf

AMA Treaty

A press release from the African Union on the African Medicines Agency: https://au.int/fr/node/41138 The treaty on the AMA has come into force as of the 5th of November. We are looking forward to collaborating with the national agencies. We have had a positive experience through our collaboration with the DPM in Mauritania. We think that ...

Falsified Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine

Falsified Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine identified in WHO region of the Eastern Mediterranean. The falsified product was reported at the patient level outside authorized and regulated supply chains and authorized vaccination programmes in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Falsified COVID-19 vaccines pose a serious risk to global public health and place an additional burden on vulnerable populations and ...

Webinar: Increased Access Medicines

Inviting you to 2 very interesting webinars, both revolving around e-drug. The first one was organized by MTaPS on the Regional Harmonization of Medicines Regulation: Reaping Benefits Beyond Borders. REGISTER HERE: https://msh-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAsdeivrz0rGdYmzhO99hTGho7RCoqNnWJa And the second one by the Pharmaceutical  Accountability Foundation(PAF) on Promoting Access to Medicines through Legal Procedures. REGISTER HERE: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScaYcD8WFV1pAf95LHhq52irwZ5G-eP_DxZFUDB9eHU2mb1tQ/viewform They both happen to contribute to increased access ...

Webinar: A Technical Discussion: Local Versus International Procurement

If you too want to hear different experiences from the field and identify common challenges and solutions to improve procurement processes of pharmaceuticals at the international and local levels, then join JSI’s webinar on Local Versus International Procurement. This event will tackle the different advantages and disadvantages of diverse procurement options.Register here: https://jsi.zoom.us/webinar/register/4716359170608/WN_Jo8CeBmNTh-y3FkAZHSbvg

Would you like more information about audits or get a quote? Do not hesitate to contact us via the contact form.