Access to medicines: EPHA

The European Public Health Alliance organises a series of online discussions on key access to medicines (A2M) priorities bringing together thought leaders and policy-makers, academics, industry representatives and NGOs, for a frank discussion of European pharmaceutical policies. The next one is on the 8th of December. The topic is: “Will the EU be a wise ...

EC meeting on Covid-19 vaccines

The European Commission is organising a #covid meeting on vaccines: Their event summary: “EMA is organising this virtual meeting to explain the processes for the development, evaluation, approval and safety monitoring of COVID-19 vaccines in the EU, including EMA’s specific role, to all interested parties. It will also give the opportunity to the public and ...

Institute of Tropical Medicines: Pharmaceutical Policies course

In June 2021, the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp will host a new short course (3-weeks) on Pharmaceutical Policies in Health Systems. It targets students from high-, middle- and low-income countries working at different levels in the Ministry of Health, health programmes, regulatory agencies, NGOs, global health initiatives and other donor agencies, etc. Importantly, the ...

Vacancy French Red Cross: a pharmacist

Dear colleagues, the French Red Cross is looking for a pharmacist to work specifically on the quality assurance of the health products that are used in their programs. The terms of reference are attached (in French). Very interesting! See also:,7187653498&key=72008389&c=585771524612&pagestamp=segvvddocjnbtkrbos


Remember the webinar on EPP and Covid-19 that we held some time ago? WHO published a useful document with technical specifications for PPE. The document provides guidance on quality, performance characteristics and related standards for PPE for use in COVID-19. It includes information on: surgical masks, non-surgical masks, gloves, goggles, face shields, gowns and N95 ...

Various experts sought: SCF and UNDP

Save the Children Fund SCF is looking for a permanent Global Pharmacy Advisor in any Save the Children Office location. “As a core member of the medical team, the Global Pharmacy Advisor will lead on the pharmacy services workstream and will contribute to achieving the team’s 2019-21 strategic objectives by working across the following areas ...

Raffaella’s literature update

Be-cause Health & QUAMED literature updates Ref. Ndomondo-SigondaM, Mahlangu G, Agama-Anyetei M, Cooke E (2020) A new approach to an old problem: Overview of the East African Community’s MedicinesRegulatory Harmonization initiative. PLoS Med 17(8):e1003099. https://doi. org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1003099   Dear Friend,  The capacity to regulate medical products is key for ensuring the quality, safety, and efficacy of medical ...

Webinar PPE Covid-19

We organised two webinars on the quality assurance of PPE used during the current Covid-19. One was given in English and one in French. Both versions were exclusively for our members. The English version was attended by 19 of our members. The French version was attended by 11 members. With thanks to the facilitator Ms. ...

Winter meeting

You may have received the invitation also. The Utrecht Centre for Pharmaceutical Policy and Regulation will organise a Winter meeting for researchers in the field of pharmaceutical policy analysis and regulatory science from 12-14 January 2021. The meeting will be online with shorter sessions spread over three instead of two days. Contents of the meetingKeynote lectures ...

CDC: Covid-19 toolkits

Toolkit for Businesses & Workplaces Interesting and useful guidance and tools are available on the CDC website to make workplaces and businesses safer in regard to Covid-19.

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