Urgent Alert: Contaminated Propylene Glycol Detected in Medical Products

Attention healthcare professionals and regulatory authorities! Falsified (contaminated) USP/EP PROPYLENE GLYCOL has been detected in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region, specifically in Pakistan. The contaminated raw materials, not manufactured or supplied by DOW as confirmed, contain dangerously high levels of ethylene glycol, posing a severe health risk, particularly to children. Ethylene glycol ingestion can lead to severe toxicity, including death. Manufacturers, distributors, and regulatory authorities are urged to exercise vigilance, ensuring raw materials are sourced from approved suppliers and subjected to rigorous testing. Increased surveillance within supply chains and prompt reporting of adverse events are crucial. If you have any pertinent information, please contact WHO immediately. Stay informed, stay safe. #MedicalAlert #PublicHealthSafety

Read more here: https://www.who.int/news/item/15-04-2024-medical-product-alert-n-1-2024–falsified-(contaminated)-usp-ep-propylene-glycol

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