A4ID Annual Conference: Register & Circulate – Global Health & Pro Bono
Dear all,
we invite you to the inaugural A4ID Annual Conference 2021, held on 25-26 June 2021via Zoom. This year’s theme: ‘Towards a more just post-pandemic world will focus on ideas that are emerging as responses from the rule of law and pro bono space to address the challenges of the ongoing pandemic.’
As an organization closely focused on Sustainable Development Goal 3: ‘Health and Well-being’, we believe that Conference Panel 2B “Global Health & Pro Bono: The Universal Right to Health in COVID 19” would be particularly interesting to our members. The panel scheduled for Friday, 25 June from 15:30-17:00 (BST) will focus on the role of laws and litigation in the global provision of the universal right to health.
Even though multilateral organizations and the private sector have produced monumental achievements in developing vaccines at unprecedented speed, challenges remain regarding universal and equitable vaccines. This session will be chaired by Robert Yates, Director, Global Health Programme, Chatham House and the panellists include Dr Aisling McMahon, Lecturer, Maynooth University Department of Law
Dr Umunyana Rugege, Executive Director, SECTION27
Dr Yuan Qiong Hu, Postdoctoral Research Associate, SOAS and Senior Legal and Policy Advisor, Doctors Without Borders.
Join us for this panel session by registering here. To learn more about the conference, find more information here.