Call for abstracts: BE-CAUSE organizes sessions on “Breaking Taboos In Global Health

Be-Cause health has organised a call for abstracts and organised sessions: Breaking Taboos in Global Health.

When: 23/03 24/03/2023 CET

There are many challenges that still hinder access to equitable health, among which colonisation, discrimination and racism, unequal access to essential health services and quality medicines, and many more.

Be-cause health, a platform of stakeholders in global health and healthcare both in Belgium and in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs), wants to go the extra mile during the next Be-cause health international conference. There will be a conversation on the future of global health, the future role of development cooperation and the role that global health stakeholders could/should play in order to make this happen.

This conference will serve to break taboos and gather the knowledge and practices to rethink the success and failures of the future of global health, by giving a voice to all.

To submit click here.

If you submit an abstract for an individual presentation OR a proposal for an organised session, your submission will be considered by the conference selection committee and be put alongside the other individual/proposal submissions for coherence and added value.

Deadline: January 6th, 2023 CET

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