Webinar: Financing Universal Health Coverage in the face of instability

Share invitation for the webinar: Financing Universal Health Coverage in the face of instability.
Date: February 10, 2022, as part of the Health Systems Global Webinar Series.

To register: https://who.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_eGH6qS68RpSOE512IeHp8A

Find more information here: https://mailchi.mp/30368ca8230c/governance-in-support-of-common-goods-for-health-webinar-nov-14123530

Many countries face instability that affects the ability of the state to perform its functions and provide basic services to its population to the point of undermining its legitimacy. These situations of “fragility” raise important challenges for progress towards universal health coverage (UHC). They call into question, among other things, the generic proposals made in terms of health care financing. With our partners, we invite you to follow two webinars on this topic.

In the first webinar, in French, we will look at the case of countries facing crises that are spatially isolated but that drag on for a long time: how to maintain the course towards UHC in such a context? In the second webinar, in English, we will look at the case of more acute humanitarian crises. Both webinars will be introduced by the presentation of a synthesis of evidence done for WHO available here: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/978-92-4-000349-1

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