Quality Assurance of Medical Devices

Earlier this week, we organised a webinar on #qualityassurance of #medicaldevices. On Tuesday it was offered in French and on Wednesday in English. A total of 38 participants, all associated with one of our members, participated. Both sessions lasted between 1.15 and 2 hours. We thank Maria Moya who developed the webinar!

Raffaella’s literature update

Be-cause Health & QUAMED literature updates Ref IAP 2020.  A Call to Action: Furthering the fight against falsified and substandard medical products  Dear Friend, I hope you had a nice break, and that you start this new year with plenty or energies!  The  struggle against substandard and falsified medicines continue also in 2021, and I am ...

Best wishes for 2021

Hello everybody,   We would like to greet you and to wish you a happy new year 2021. 2020 was a difficult year. And at the same time, for QUAMED, and within QUAMED for each of us, it was also a very rich and dynamic year, a year of consolidation and structural progress, a year ...


Condoms often do not get as much attention as other health products. However, the article below shows that significant sub-standard and falsified issues also exist for condoms. Citation: Tremelling J, All A, Lleras L, Cancel A, Jenkins D, Pina C, et al. (2019) Poor quality male latex condoms found in Dominican Republic: Quality assurance evaluation ...

Webinar: The French Academy of Science

A message from the French Academy of Science: We would like to inform you that a third exceptional COVID-19 session of the Academy of Sciences on vaccination will be organised on Thursday 17 December from 5 to 6.30 pm. The session will be available for live viewing on the Academy of Sciences YouTube channel through ...

We welcome three new members this week!

Early this week QUAMED’s board of directors happily accepted the membership applications of PFSCM, MDM-Spain and CAMEBU. Each of the organisations is a champion in their own right. We welcome them to our network. We appreciate the diversity in voices and opinions that they will bring to the discussions on quality assurance of pharmaceuticals and ...

Obituary Dr. P. Claver Kayumba

Some members of the QUAMED team have worked with Prof. Pierre Claver Kayumba in the past. Very recently we were discussing his initiative to develop a master’s degree on quality assurance. It would be the first one of its kind in the region. He has passed away unexpectedly. We fully support the content in the ...

Activities are picking up!

This year we had very few audit and assessment activities. The pandemic wreacked havoc with our schedules. Up to date only 2 MQAS audits. However, it seems as if matters are picking up. We are slowly getting back to a regular operating level. We are thinking of, preparing or planning, GDP technical visits, GDP audits ...

EC meeting on Covid-19 vaccines

The European Commission is organising a #covid meeting on vaccines: https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/events/public-stakeholder-meeting-development-authorisation-safe-effective-covid-19-vaccines-eu Their event summary: “EMA is organising this virtual meeting to explain the processes for the development, evaluation, approval and safety monitoring of COVID-19 vaccines in the EU, including EMA’s specific role, to all interested parties. It will also give the opportunity to the public and ...

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