Be-cause Health & QUAMED literature updates Ref. Twesigye G, Hafner T, Guzman J. Making the investment case for national regulatory authorities. J Pharm Pol Practices 2021: 14-16; https://doi.org/10.1186/s40545-021-00299-7 Dear Friend, In the attached paper, Twesigye and colleagues make an important case that there is a need to support the strengthening of national regulatory authorities (NRAs), which play an ...

Why an African Medicines Agency, Why Now?

Following the multi-stakeholder Call to AU Heads of State to Ratify the AMA Treaty the IAPO will be holding a virtual panel discussion on “Why an African Medicines Agency, Why Now?” that will take place from 14.20 to 15.20 CET on Wednesday, March 10th, as part of the African Health Agenda International Conference (AHAIC) 2021. The panel ...

Quality, Speed & Equity: Delivering COVID-19 Vaccines to the World.

Dear Friends & Colleagues, The U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP), World Health Organization (WHO) & Sabin Vaccine Institute are pleased to invite you to attend the upcoming webinar, “Quality, Speed & Equity: Delivering COVID-19 Vaccines to the World.” This event will be held on 15 March 2021 at 10:30am – 12:00pm EDT / 2:30 – 4:00pm GMT. This virtual event will convene ...

WEIL to advise QUAMED

On the 25th of this month, the QUAMED team was fortunate enough to have a meeting with lawyers from the New York and Paris offices of the law firm Weil (www.weil.com). On a pro bono basis, they have agreed to advise QUAMED on the legal and regulatory issues around our audit reports and our future ...


 Our auditor Anthony Bourasseau visiting the DCMP 8ième CPAC (dcmp8ecepac.org) warehouses in Bukavu DRC for a GSDP audit. Today he is travelling to Kalemie to conduct a GSDP audit of CADMETA.

SANDRINE CLOEZ: Pharmacy Management Officer with UNHCR

We would like to congratulate Sandrine Cloez on her new position as Pharmacy Management Officer with UNHCR. Sandrine is one of the founding members of QUAMED and a member of our Technical Committee. She will step down as a member of the Technical Committee to fully concentrate on her work for UNHCR” We want to ...

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